Pathways to Opportunity

Who We Are

Pathways to Opportunity (PTO) is an adult day training program that offers group classes based on participant needs and interests. These classes are taught by trained professionals in conjunction with community members. The classes are held across the community, at the Goodwill Opportunity Center, and virtually.



Courses are designed for adults with developmental or intellectual disabilities who want to gain independence and experience new opportunities. Referrals are typically accepted through Florida Medicaid Waiver (iBudget) or personal recommendations.


Pathways Website click here



Funding Options

• Agency for Person with Disabilities (APD)

• Florida Medicaid Development Disability Waiver (iBudget)

• Private payment

• Sponsorship (when available)

Our Model

• New calendar each quarter based on participants interests

• Participants select courses quarterly

• Ratio 1 - 10 or 1 - 5 depending on level of support required

• Program is person-centered and person-delivered

• Participants work with Goodwill support staff to develop goals and get the services they want/need

• Courses focus on outcomes and developing valued roles for participants

• Participant lead committees include the Advocacy Council and Events Planning Committee



Education Icon


• Computer Skills & Coding

• Learning Spanish/Italian

• Literacy Skills

• Money Skills

• Sign Language

• Zoology

Fine Arts Icon

Fine Arts

• Art Medium Exploration

• Computer Art/Decals

• Jewelry

• Painting/Sketching

• Sewing/Fabric Art

Independent Living Icon

Independent Living

• Community Safety

• Cooking

• Relationships
& Communication

• Self-Advocacy
& Personal Rights

Performing Arts Icon

Performing Arts

• Choir

• Comedy & Improv

• Drama Club

• Set & Costume Design

Wellness Icon


• Book Club

• Community Outings

• Exercise Classes
(Zumba, Yoga, etc.)

• Martial Arts

• Sport Leagues
(Bowling, Golfing, etc.)


Community Education Icon

Community Education

Coming soon!

We are excited to announce our upcoming community education sessions! There, you'll find all sorts of information regarding disability topics.
Be sure not to miss them!
Disability Navigation Icon

Disability Navigation

You’ve got questions.
We’ve got answers!

The process of applying for assistance can be daunting and arduous. That’s why we’re here to provide you with guidance.
We’ll walk you step-by-step in understanding the iBudget and Medicaid waiver.
It’s our commitment to you that your family won’t be lost on its new journey.
For more information, contact:
Jessica Tursi
Director of Disability Services
(239) 995-2106 [ext 2301]
Life Skills Summer Series Icon
Life Skills Summer Series

This summer!

Pathways to Opportunity will be hosting 4 sessions of our Life Skills Series through June and July. Each session will be 1 week in length and offer a variety of experiences through the course of the week. Each participant will receive a report at the end of the session that outlines success, challenges, and possible next steps.