Pathways To Work

Employment Services

• Assists job seekers to choose, obtain, and/or retain employment that matches their career goals.

• Offers 90 days of continuing support from an employment consultant once employment is secured.

Supported Employment

• Provides employment assistance for individuals who require more intensive support to succeed and maintain employment in the community.

• Offers 150 days of continuing support from an employment consultant once employment is secured and stable. 

• Supports may include; arranging for transportation, providing individualized training, helping the supported person to secure a job, develop natural supports and use assistive technology.

Work Readiness/Pre-Placement Training


An Interactive Training
Provided In A Small Group Setting

Completed before job placement, the 20 hour regimen
includes specific topics based on individual work readiness needs.

Included In Training

• Resume Writing

• Interviewing Skills

• Online Job Searches

• Online Job Applications

• Meeting Employers

• Handling Conflict

• Navigating Public Transportation

On the Job Training (OJT)

Provides Job Seekers with Temporary (Typically 12 Weeks) of Paid Training In A Workplace Related to Their Career Interests

• Allows job-seekers to get paid while gaining job experience.

• Assists individual in learning valuable work place skills while assessing job preferences.

• Provides development of communication skills, customer service skills, and self-confidence.